Thursday, May 5, 2011


Italian design:
environmental pedagogy is one important part of early childhood schooling is a needful prerequisite of quality education. It will assist refine agreeable habits of juvenile children is profitable to appeal to the entire community cared about environmental protection. Therefore, I charted this project so children from childhood action to protect the environment.
moving target:
1. so that children kas long asEarth is the family to understand the relationship between the normal environment and people.
2. foster children's environmental awareness, encourage children the formation of positive environmental behavior.
3. development of children's attention, reconnaissance, imagination. foster children mental and physical, moving the mouth of the learning habits.
accident preparation:
globe, video, animal toys, picture number.
activities converge on:
let children know thatour existence is inseparable and the environment,beijing massage, understanding catch on the environment, the importance of protecting the environment.
play difficulties:
comprehend the trees in the United States. inspire babies base that: where flowers and trees grow on trees? the growth of plants and trees absence? (water, atmosphere, sun, soil, etc.)
II: enjoy the pictures and video.
pre-recorded a good teacher > Third: To inspect the globe:
1. instructors instruct the access children watch the earth, understanding the assorted signs on the world (mountain, sea, creek, land, cities, plains, etc.)
2. the globe to ascertain the sea ,beijing escort, land, mountains, plains, teachers with China,beijing escort, Beijing, and his own area to live.
3. to talk almost where you been? dad,Xinhua Xie Hanjie, my mama went where?
4. and children with activity games mm How sick? (contaminated) how to remedy the Earth's Disease? encourage young children to say they understand the knowledge of environmental protection.
five: learning apt be a and storytelling > 2. is phoned to do health concern,beijing massage, their creation of a wash environment, so that children fully experience the beautiful environment apt live in happiness.
3. to encourage young children to way perception and promote environmental protection.
kids are willing to fight When the globe physician, to protect our Earth, attach to the environment, protect our homeland mm earth.
six: sequel article, functions and instances of environmental pollution, expansion of these activities. in multiple activities.

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