Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Guo Geng ER out of the do no know righteousness retribution

Third, the low-carbon operation
mm Virtuous
my b4, no battery flashlight
b5, toothbrush
b6, chopsticks
b7, handkerchief
b8, bus card, the concept of low-carbon

b carbon (Low Carbon) is lower or less greenhouse gas (CO2-based) emissions.
b low carbon (Low carbon alive) refers to the rhythms of life meantime reducing the stamina consumed, thus reducing greenhouse gases, especially namely the CO2 emissions.
b reduce the total amount of waste and waste to accomplish emission reduction targets.
2008 World Environment Day theme:
change the orthodox concept, the implementation of low-carbon economic
Copenhagen: Green ---- mm Please use non-phosphorus washing powder, clothing,
protect fish and reduce algae bloom hostel accommodation
mm low-carbon, change and wash canvases
mm Mo Kan lessen the use of washing fluid,
concern environment and natural peel
mm dress suitably, should not be changed frequently abandoned
mm refusal to wear cashmere sweaters and protect prairie grasslands are carbon sinks
mm, MO to become less carbon
mm disposable diapers, environmentally friendly and save money
mm chilly days plus clothing, the heat by clothing
green clothing hh
mm concentration of washing clothes,
small pieces of hand as far as feasible.
mm laundry water accumulation,
flushing or grazing.
mm refused cashmere products,
reduce the pearly fear.
mm loop variable vogue clothes,
season for a new variety.
mm Buy-season clothing, am by ease, cheap.
mm dress clothes washed, eliminating the chemicals.
mm chiefly cotton underwear, synthetic negative body.
mm refusal to wear fur clothes, do not peel the animal Paper!!!
panther cat with a small saying: only animals on globe, have the right to wear fur! clothesline hanging root: Studies show that 60% of clothes hanging on the clothesline to dry indeed, do not put in the dryer, but also to avoid using a trip dryer, so you can reduce 90% of total carbon dioxide emissions.
b unnecessary to buy less clothes : an ordinary clothes from raw materials to dressing and then finally relinquished in emissions of carbon dioxide. per person per year to buy a little needless clothes, equivalent to saving 2.5 kg of standard coal, the corresponding reduction 6.4 kg CO2. If the country 2,500 people do this to save 62,500 tons of standard coal, 16 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
b cotton less carbon emissions than artificial clothing, wear cotton clothes are also more low-carbon chapter of life. < br> b or less as far as possible not to use washing machines, power consumption of about 1.2 degrees per wash, drying power consumption of about 3.5 degrees so that every time you open the washing machine indirect carbon emissions as 2 kg.
b without drying clothes washing machines, and is allowed to air dry, can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2.3 kg;
b washing machines: washing in the meantime a long, low outline work, the number of large motor starting, that is, in fact, than using the thing as low silhouette power, and stretch the life of washing machines.
China is a large population, extensive use of disposable wooden chopsticks will consume a lot of woods resources. If 10% of the country to reduce use of disposable chopsticks, then reduce carbon dioxide emissions per year is equivalent to about 103,000 tons.
farewell Green ----- Food mm disposable tableware, not to change garbage
mm trays not enter the game store, meager feeding birds dine insects, frogs
mm dishes, inviting mouth euthanasia
mm animals are friends, how can into your jaws
mm Mo the human mouth, into the grave
mm select green food animals, support ecological farming
mm antifeedant shark bird's nest, do not do fatuous contributors
mm consumption of meat should be adequate, sensuality palate, impulse sympathy is not long
__ vegetarian life can reduce the CO2 emissions caused by eating meat-eater about CO2 emissions several times for vegetarians.
mm one can Thirty of the land to feed vegetarians, only enough to feed a meat-eater.
mm if the world more than a vegetarian, his life will save h43 pigs, 1100 fowls, 3 sheep, 11 cows
Vegetarian Star:
large S, Jet Li, Zhao Wei, Long W, Jiang Peilin
also Madonna, Jane Goodall, Janez (premier of Slovenia) hh
low-carbon life, starting from the maximal food, clothing, easier than!
b According to the German Institute for Ecological Economy: A carnivore's carbon emissions caused each year the equivalent of a car driving 4,758 km; vegetarian so that our carbon footprint is reduced by at least half.
b As a result, there is an extreme but thought-provoking statement: the basis of the , she saw it as one of the ways to discourage an environmental crisis, systematized vegetarian club, regular accidents,
send more people around to combine the ranks of vegetarians.
carbon footprint, low-carbon living should first reduce your carbon footprint, it is individuals or groups that the amount of carbon-consuming, is to measure the population of a country and the region because of the annual energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions generated an concordance of environmental impact. < br> b Therefore, the low-carbon living is that people in their daily lives and work to reduce the carbon footprint of the behavior,toronto escorts, that is, in life and the production of less carbon dioxide emissions.
b, for instance, via a specially designed life, global warming has to bear the greater responsibility. the smaller the carbon footprint, that you become a Well, to Jane for the United States!
first carbon footprint, carbon footprint
b second, whether the carbon footprint of individuals or teams can be divided into first and second carbon footprint, carbon footprint. The 1st is the carbon footprint the use of fossil oil carbon dioxide emissions directly, such as a normal fly more folk will travel carbon footprint first, because the aeroplane will consume a crowd of of oil, ooze colossal values of carbon dioxide.
b carbon footprint is a result of the second Use a diversity of productions and indirect emissions of carbon dioxide, such as a decanter of plain bottled water consumption, due to its production and transportation of carbon emissions generated in the process brought about the second carbon footprint. Freon woman user of cosmetics in addition to additional emissions of greenhouse will be gas, but also because of cosmetic packaging, transportation, etc. The second boost in the carbon footprint, thus increasing the burden above the context, even indirectly abuse the environment.
reduce carbon emissions in Taiwan, Zhang Yang, dry up the slogan
Carbon Emissions:
b drive 25.6 km (4.72 kg) + take the elevator 24 floors (5.232 kg) +
b by computer 10 hours (0.18 kg) + eating three meals a day (1.44 kg) +
b hot bath 15 minutes (0.42 kg) + Laundry 40 minutes (0.117 kg) + 10 hours per fan (0.25 kg) hh
b Zhang Yang dry namely day shall be 14.104 kilograms of carbon emissions.
carbon Family
b what kind of person could be considered habits of assorted resources around as long as you are willing to take the initiative to penalty themselves to improve their living habits, you can join.
b, of course, does not mean that we should accidentally go to a low carbon thrift, deliberately to give up some life enjoyment, at the peak of you do bits and pieces from more than life savings, do not waste, the same can live comfortable has been dubbed present production and human life began deep reflection.
mm low-carbon edible Raiders
b small refrigerator: refrigerator storing the amount of food in order to account for 60% of volume is appropriate, put too many or too less, have much power. food between food and the refrigerator should be left between the breach of about 10 mm. with a few plastic boxes filled with water, made of ice in the freezer and put into freezer, this will extend the downtime to reduce the boot time.
b microwave oven: more dry food and water after merging evenly, cover with plastic mantle before heating or wrap, or use a covered heat resistant glassware. every time the heating or cooking food not more than 0.5 kg is applicable, rather cut into small pieces, the amount should be min heating time, attempt to use carbon diet includes drinking less alcohol, beverage less 0.5 kg per person per year if the brandy can be 1 kg of carbon dioxide emissions.
b After cooking range hood off readily, for 10 minutes less per day, a year can save 12 kWh of electricity. subserve vegetarian and low-carbon life
b Zhong Guangwang Beijing March 5, 2010: One year, the CPPCC proposition members must offer advice on low-carbon economy. literature and art celebrities Jiang Kun, Han Meilin, Yu Jun Jian Yuling raised by members of three members of a to promote vegetarian and advocate change through diet and contribute to energy saving.
b if all the Chinese vegetarian one day a week will reduce greenhouse gas 200 million 8 thousand 6 million tons. put down the mouth piece of meat into tofu, rescue the future is simple.
Political Consultative Conference in the area act 18% of the greenhouse gases from the meat creation. 13% of global greenhouse gas from transport.
universal greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions reduction ratio
actually absence? discarded steak
Habit, surface carbon
b to 15 million head of livestock on the planet, 1.7 billion sheep and goats, and their numbers are growing quickly. a cow annual emissions of CO2 more than one car; eat each equivalent to 1 kilogram of beef eaten 133 kilograms of potatoes and 40,000 liters of water.
b if you switch to a vegetarian, you will reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions of about 1.5 tons.
b rebate vegetarian: pork is tall concentration of carbon goods. ring is not assorted from low-carbon meat, vegetarian, anti-warming behalf.
Only if we can understand, Can we care;
Only if we care, Will we help;
Only if we help, Shall entire be saved. mmJANE GOODALL
Jane. Goodall: For me, the meat dish character of panic, undergoing and death. an emphasis on meat and animal community will inevitably have a negate environmental impact; and a category concept of wasteful costing, then let the deficit of resources and the earth has been riddled with problems equitable favor worse. the relationship between humans and the food is so subtle, judged to eat itself to the earth. So please, carefully prefer your food !
vegetarian carbon the perdition!
mm eat a pound of pork, 0.28 kg of standard coal energy saving, emission reduction, 0.7 kg CO2.
mm 0.5 kg of each waste less food (such as rice), can save energy About 0.18 kg of standard coal, and the corresponding CO2 emissions of 0.47 kg. If such a citizen average per person every year, saving 241,000 tons of standard coal can, 612,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
b to generate 1 kg of meat preferably emissions to the air at 3.6-6.8 kg of CO2.
b keeper and delivered a kilogram of beef, lamb and pork consumption of energy, equivalent to a hundred-watt light bulb for approximately three weeks.
b consumption of local fruits and vegetables, beverages, than to purchase Fu shipped appearance the lower carbon emissions.
b According to the German health journal, a red meat (pig and sheep) and to 1485.1 kg of carbon emissions, a white meat (poultry fish) was 1054.2 kg of carbon emission, so many Germans choose the latter, a relatively low-carbon diet.
b food waste, but also one essential factor in increasing carbon emissions, 670 tons of food in Britain each year are discarded, including the dumping of breast up to 4 million tons, the equivalent of 1 million cars a year of carbon emissions.
only through the eyes of animals to the contrary, human ------< br> Eight Honors and Eight Shames:
Be knitted and help to selfish ashamed.
arrogant to obey by the decree to break the decree ashamed!
Guo Geng ER out of the do not understand judge retribution?
b ought to know ah.
b indiscriminate feeders hh
SARS outbreak led to a vegetarian hh
the 2008 Olympic torch lit Green Olympics Passion, harmony between man and the imagine < br> 2009: Committee members play the tree planting for the reduction of solid waste, according to
mm, the family source of environmental
mm adore scavenging, and comprehend the water can be multi-purpose, laundromat water for flushing water-saving appliances hh
mm culling, enhance the sense of
mm turning off lights, staying out economical instinct
mm hotels, equipment replacement to decrease ventilation conditioner use fewer
mm , 心静自然凉
mm simple decoration, cut downxins
mm elect energy-saving lamps, electronic money and save
mm solar heating, warm and sustained
thought > b carbon emissions calculator:
b to buy a wear carbon emissions, 5.7 kg,
b consumer steak 1 kg 1.24 kg of carbon,
b 1 degree electricity carbon emissions 0.79 kg,
b scalding 1 cubic meter of natural gas carbon emissions, 2.17 kg,
b According to WWF file, such as 1 kWh of electricity per person per conference, to be 1 kg of carbon dioxide emissions; less in 10 pairs of disposable chopsticks, eruption 0.2 kg; less use of cars a day , reduction 8.17 kg;
b washing laundry by hand instead of one, 0.3 kg of emissions.
monthly, hand clean our clothes
b With the improvement of living criteria, washing into thousands of million has been households. Although the washing machine to a life of excellent help, yet only 2 or three pieces of clothing to use the washing machine, will reason the waste of water and electricity.
b if a month instead of by hand washing machines,toronto escorts, washing machines per year energy savings of about 1.4 kg of standard coal, 3.6 kg of carbon dioxide emissions whereupon. If the country 190 million washing machines are less so once a month, then the annual energy savings of about 26 million tons of coal, 684,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
mm low carbon demonstration
star Brad Pitt: Brad Pitt promoting green housing
adding to the film, the interest in green construction, as early as 2006 with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, ; sustainable design emulation was fired in New Orleans, and their own money, called social contributions, together for the 13 construction companies flattened by the typhoon in New Orleans's Lower Ninth Ward poorest construct 150 green houses, use of environmentally friendly energy-saving conceptions, such as cater electricity using solar panels, etc..
power of instances is infinite!
Li Bingbing: less , the shared family life tips low-carbon, such as notes for the attendant message, to consume water, electricity and cleaner, and less washed once, can power 0.03, 13 liters of water, washing powder 22.5 g, corresponding to 50 grams of carbon dioxide emissions.
b star hotels if the home country 8880,13378 ( 2002 data) to accept br> less hoist, the logical use of televisions, refrigerators, computers and other electrical appliances, promptly hack off the power supply. compartment call charger, once completed, immediately unplug the charger plug;
b air conditioning: air conditioning, a larger moment of starting current, frequent switching considerable prices of electricity , and easy to damage the compressor. to the base of the fan on the air among the machine, use fans to cultivate the cooling efficacy of wind. air-conditioning fan to open instantly after beginning. desiccant air-conditioning mode setting, this time even now the apartment temperature can cause higher feel chilly, and power than the cooling mode.
b open a window to replace the indoor air; in the summer air conditioning, a slight increase in temperature a few degrees. According to the statistics show that the increase was by the time all the air-conditioning, a country can save 3.3 billion on electricity.
turn off the lights, light a hope
energy-saving lamps, a solar water heater can contribute to energy saving seems to do little as long as 1.3 billion people can be 1 / 10 of people use them to replace the traditional products that save energy and reduce carbon emissions both will be astronomical! only energy-saving lamps, for instance, if the country has 1 / 3 of the energy-saving LED lights replace incandescent each year can save an annual generating capability of the Three Gorges Project.
lower lift
b less elevators along the country about 300 billion kWh of electricity consumption. through the lower layers of stairs instead of, more than one elevator in the repose only partially open so action can be reduced about 10% of the lift power. In this way, each elevator daily saving of 5,000 degrees, corresponding to 4.8 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
b 60 million elements around the country to take such a elevator measures saving 30 billion kWh per year, equivalent to 2.88 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
low-carbon reduction 1.9 kg CO2; every with 0.1 cubic small lumber, can be emission 64.3 kg CO2.
bmm 2 degrees lower in winter air-conditioning, increased 2 degrees in summer air-conditioning, 900 kg per year reduction in CO2.
bmm pat water, pat water to produce 1 ton of energy consumption of 0.67 to 1.15 degrees. According to the average power consumption, CO2 emissions (kg) = water use tonnes t0.91. Therefore, water protection is also a low-carbon life.
bmm The lamps will be replaced at 60 energy-saving bulbs, carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced at 4 times;
bmm during luncheon wrecks and afterward work, turn off the microprocessor and monitor, these appliances can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1 third. < br> bmm bath water temperature is lowered 1 degree per 35 grams of carbon dioxide can be reduced bath;
b According to statistics, drinking fountains actually use each day for about 9 hours, other times the basic idle, Nearly two-thirds of electricity expense are accordingly wasted. Idle power is cornered off in the fountain, saving about 366 degrees per annual, corresponding to 351 kg of carbon dioxide emissions.
b If the country of about 4000 to maintain million drinking fountains have taken this measure, it can save every year about 145 million degrees, 14.05 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
low carbon residential
carbon in power, family face from now on, to change to change your carbon dioxide emissions.
b changed! simple design, interior with natural airing, lighting conviction, reduce the use of fans, air conditioning and lighting accident. Typically, the energy loss in the building, about 50% of the wall on the gates and windows energy loss. insulating cup not only heat, cold stop on the outside, but also noise and reducing consumption.
b small! small is agreeable, its small size in terms of saving erection materials, energy saving, construction and use of cost are better than large size, carbon emissions are also significantly less than the big house.
b Less! to simply as the United States, uncomplicated style will make your room cool in unknowingly become comfortable together.
Green ---- line mm bus is the first choice, the people are effortless
mm low carbon travel, environmental hero
mm selected small-displacement, fuel-efficient and low carbon
mm monthly or newspaper, less use of cars
mm day eco-tourism, fear of birds
mm travel light myself out, go back picking up litter
mm drive Hupenghuanyou, as a associate carrying
mm parking stall in time, so make no use of energy
mm patronize as protected areas, Mo into the gist district
mm is not wild fish, waterfowl do not grab the line mm low-carbon food
b small car, alternate off, low-carbon hh per month for living less use of day, per vehicle fuel 44 liters per year, corresponding to 98 kg of carbon dioxide emissions,beijing massage, if the owners of the country do 12480000, saving 554 million liters per year, 1.22 million tons emissions CO2.
b drive small displacement, a see at the small-displacement 1.3-liter car, than the large displacement of carbon dioxide emissions 647 kg per year. If the bus or bicycle travel choice, carbon dioxide emissions will be less.
b only the U.S. public transportation system save 53 million liters per year of natural gas, emissions equivalent to 150 million tons CO2.
b in time for the vehicle to replace the percolate, to nourish appropriate tire pressure, stalling while waiting hh emissions per vehicle per year 400 kg CO2. < br> Line mm Raiders
try to use small low-carbon public transport, car purchase plans must go out shopping, one stop shopping as much as possible. more walking, cycling, light rail metro ride.
If you go outside the 8 km , take mass transit than by car to reduce the amount of 1700 grams of carbon dioxide emissions.
buy low-cost, low fuel consumption, low pollution, while increasing the safety factor of small transmission vehicles.
shopping trips to reduce vehicle. to drive out shopping, please maneuver to mart, one stop shopping as many as possible.
less use of cars, to ride cordless bicycles: electric bikes or electric cars coming, the biggest avail is that zero-emission, low rumpus, no pollution and energy environmental protection.
Jay boost green travel
power of examples is endless!
Leonardo: Leonardo
drive as little as possible. DiCaprio stars in Hollywood cared about climate change problems governor, in his own home fitted with solar panels, usually as little as possible to pedal a mongrel car had been replaced, but also wrote and produced a well-known in the environmental documentary is carbon emissions formula
b home's CO2 emissions from electricity consumption (Kg) = power t0.785;
b driving CO2 emissions (Kg) = number of liters of fuel t0.785;
b ride aircraft CO2 emissions (Kg):
short trip: 200 miles kilometers = t0.275;
way trip: 200 km -1000 km = 55 +0.105 t (kilometers -200);
b long trip: 1000 km = kilometers t0.139.
b water: CO2 emissions = water use several t 0.91.
green line
b doing homework before the tumble, logistics not go bad Road.
b settlement choice for local people, could not ecologically brittle areas.
b reduced rate of towels washed, water-saving cleaning proxy used with caution
b own toiletries, less time.
b discipline energy and water saving, less room air conditioners.
b buying local products to avoid long-haul transport.
b to avoid the close protection of animals, not horrified, close, feeding, touching and hugging animals.
b feed wild animals, will make it lose awareness, migration, predators by ecology, is a agreeable knife.
b Mo to have the animals cleared from their environment, their homes.
b do natural onlooker, enjoy, and not obtained those poachers.
b to walk vehicles, reclusive,
photo,toronto escort, do not shoot;
bird seeing, instead of closing the birds;
Nature as Teacher, do not actors naturally!
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