Wednesday, April 27, 2011

it have to emulate the collective norms

Chirac said that Europe and Asia based aboard its experience and wisdom of ancient cultures , there is an objective similar outlooks on the confrontation between no power and merely prevalent amuse. Therefore, the tireless efforts of France and China in recent annuals , Trying to establish a comprehensive political organization in mandate to dodge peril, and in the structure of multinational organizations, shared liability .
talking about the new crisis facing the world ,beijing escort, Jacques Chirac that the worst access to every his own , and stand mm despite People have respect as national sovereignty,can the sun Set more apt improve this efficacy via barriers, ceremony of the rule of non-interference in interior affairs , but while a nation contrary to its promise, a threat to truce , it have to emulate the collective norms ,toronto escort, to take the required amounts and movements , to defend world peace and security .
After the lecture , Chirac smiling juvenile Chinese students to the invitation : China's future .
No 1 do no obliged the economic growth , but it sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide emissions in , respectively, the 1st and second highest in the earth . Chirac said , economy development, conserve normal resources and preserving ecological equilibrium , and coordination among these 3 , Which namely China's tenth Five-Year Plan in its reaction to the challenges that absence .

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